There are some pretty bonkers moments in Stephen King’s IT, including a couple that would fall pretty low on the list of “most likely to be included in a film adaptation.” As it turns out, at least one of those scenes — a climactic supernatural confrontation — will appear in IT: Chapter Two, Andy Muschietti’s sequel to last year’s hit adaptation of the iconic horror novel. Before you get worried, it’s not THAT scene.
As we head deeper into September, two things have become pretty clear about 2017 box office numbers: one, Hollywood desperately needs to bounce back a little bit from the doldrums of August, and two, whoever decided to hedge their studio’s bets with a September release date for a movie about a killer clown is looking like a [profanity] genius right about now. We’ll get to all of that in a moment, but first, here are the box office numbers as of Sunday afternoon: