Steve McQueen is a master of artful, searing dramas about fraught masculinity and suffering. Gillian Flynn is known for her twisty page-turners led by complex women carrying the burdens of trauma. Those two many not seem like the most likely of collaborators, but we get a beautiful marriage of their talents with Widows, a crowd-pleasing heist thriller with plenty on its mind.
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: Seven strangers, each with their own secrets and baggage, staying under one roof. Watch what happens when people stop being polite…and start getting real. No, sorry, it’s not The Real World — it’s Bad Times at the El Royale, and there’s a brand spankin’ new trailer for Drew Goddard’s thriller, which boasts one hell of an ensemble cast. And also Chris Hemsworth shirtless in the rain. Just sayin’.