A Friday the 13th Asteroid Will Buzz Earth in 2029A Friday the 13th Asteroid Will Buzz Earth in 2029Eight years from now - 1n 2029 - a football field-sized asteroid buzzes earth close enough to see with the naked eye. And it'll be on a Friday the 13th.Danny VDanny V
Hey, South Dakota-‘God of Chaos’ Asteroid Sweeps by TonightHey, South Dakota-‘God of Chaos’ Asteroid Sweeps by TonightIf you have a telescope or a computer, you might be able to spot The God of Chaos in the South Dakota Sky on March 5, 2021. JD CollinsJD Collins
Gigantic Asteroid Named ‘God of Chaos’ Will Pass Earth in 10 Years.Gigantic Asteroid Named ‘God of Chaos’ Will Pass Earth in 10 Years.A huge asteroid named 'God of Chaos' will fly-by earth in 2029. With a name like that, what could go wrong? Danny VDanny V
Frankie Says: Massive Asteroid Headed Towards the Earth in FebruaFrankie Says: Massive Asteroid Headed Towards the Earth in FebruaNormally Frankie MacDonald warns us about bad weather coming our way. This time Frankie has a heads up on a 'Massive Asteroid' headed toward earth.Ben DavisBen Davis