South Dakota Task Forces Explore Industrial Hemp, Mental Health, Meth
Every summer, various lawmakers and citizens are selected to study items of interest to the South Dakota State Legislature. Four interim committees and five task forces that will meet on the following topics:
• Industrial Hemp: including the regulation and cost of an industrial hemp program, along with financial impacts, impact on law enforcement, regulations for cultivating industrial hemp.
• Special Education: including defining and categorizing disabilities, the costs of services and funding sources.
• Electric Services in an Annexed Area and how electrical rates are established.
• Controlled Substances: including alternatives to prison time, funding sources for treatment services and how to combat meth addiction.
• Improvements to Mental Health Services: five task forces to address specific mental health service issues.
Each task force includes legislators and non-legislators.
All committee agendas and minutes are available on the LRC website. You may subscribe to electronic delivery of agendas and minutes at E-Subscribe on the LRC website.
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