Sioux Falls Storm Damage Volunteers Urgently Needed!
It never ceases to amaze me, how generous people are in Sioux Falls, both with their money and even more importantly, with their time. And your time, strong hands, backs, and hearts are still desperately needed to help clear storm damage debris in our area.
Things which are in high demand are pickups, trucks, and trailers, (as well as people to drive them), to haul tree debris to the drop off locations.
The Helpline Center here in Sioux Falls has been buzzing with activity, matching up people with storm damage volunteer opportunities, but the demand is so great, volunteers are still needed.
If you're not free this weekend, no problem, just stop in at the Helpline Center at 1000 N. West Ave, Suite 310, Monday through Friday, from 8 AM to 5 PM and they'll match you up with a volunteer assignment.
For more information see the Helpline Center online, on Facebook, or call 211. Your friends and neighbors thank you!
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