I love the summer months, but there are a few downsides to the warm weather months here in the Dakotas, one being winged things that bite and spread disease.

I have to believe not many people are big fans of bees, wasps, mosquitos, and other pesky insects.

But if you live in a state like South Dakota, they definitely come with the territory during the summer months.

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That's why the City of Sioux Falls is busy taking steps right now to help curb a potential mosquito problem.

According to Dakota News Now, the city has begun regularly for mosquitoes. A team of about 20 people has been given the task of stopping the itch and helping protect residents from the threat of the West Nile virus.

Chances are you've already heard the familiar buzzing sound of mosquito-spraying trucks combing Sioux Falls neighborhoods during the evening hours.

Dakota News Now reports that the city of Sioux Falls has been broken up into 18 different zones. Traps to collect mosquitoes have been set up in each zone. The Sioux Falls Public Health Department counts and identifies the trapped mosquitoes, and then determines if the mosquitoes captured can spread West Wile. The traps also give the mosquito team a good idea of where they need to concentrate their spraying efforts.

The city of Sioux Falls started its mosquito spraying program in 2003. During that year, a large number of people were infected with the West Nile virus.

So far this mosquito season has been tracking closely to what officials have seen in the past. If we continue to get the volume of moisture we've been seeing so far, there's a good chance we'll be saddled with a fairly significant mosquito problem throughout the Sioux Empire.

Source: Dakota News Now 

People Say They Hate These 7 Things About Sioux Falls the Most

In the last few years, I've had the opportunity to live in another state after living in Sioux Falls for a decade. Then late last year I moved back to the SooFoo, and I am super happy to have returned.

Sioux Falls has just about everything I like. It's big enough to have lots of opportunities for work and recreation. But, it's also not so big that I feel lost in an urban wasteland.

Being on the western edge of the 'Midwest' and the eastern edge of the 'Western Frontier' we've got a nice balance of the individualistic pioneer spirit and a strong 'We're in this together' attitude.

But, of course, not everything is perfect. People have complaints. On the social network Reddit, people have even listed their complaints about Sioux Falls. Specifically, the things that hate about living here.

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

Seven Mind-Blowing Wonders' of South Dakota

I think most of us have at least heard of the "Seven Wonders of the Modern World." We might not be able to rattle them off as easily as McDonald's value menu items, but chances are you've heard of at least some of them, right?

There's the Great Wall of ChinaChichén Itzá, a Mayan City on the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. The ancient city of Petra, in Jordan. Machu Picchu in Peru. Christ the Redeemer Statue in Rio de Janeiro. The Colosseum in Rome, and finally, the Taj Mahal in Agra, India.

Every state in the nation is known for having a series of natural wonders and signature landmarks. So, I thought I would come up with my own list of the "Seven Wonders of South Dakota."

The following is what I consider to be the signature landmarks, monuments, and natural wonders that are synonymous with the great state of South Dakota. I tried to give both sides of the state a little love while comprising this list.

You might have a few additions...
Let's get started. The Seven Wonders of South Dakota:

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