Sioux Falls East-side Target Celebrating Hot Wheels 50th Anniversary
Hot Wheels, the number-one selling toy in the world with nearly 500 million units sold every year turns 50 this year and Target stores across the country are hosting special anniversary parties and you and your family are invited. This Saturday, June 16th, from 10:00AM-1:00PM swing on by the east-side Target, located at 1021 Highline Place, and get ready to race!
All kids in attendance will get a free Hot Wheels car to customize and then race against other cars. Only available while supplies last. Also, be sure to visit their photo finish station to get a fun, shareable picture. Plus you can save 10% on Hot Wheels Playsets and racetracks in stores with the Cartwheel app that will be available.
So if you and your child enjoy playing with Hot Wheels, bring them out to the east-side Target this Saturday.
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