Sioux Falls Bar Shames Group for Small Tip (Warning Language)
Shenanigans Sports Bar & Grill in Sioux Falls posted the picture of a credit card receipt on Twitter that included a $1.00 tip on a bill for $55.50 with the caption: "Anybody wanna fess up? Next time grow a pair and air your grievances with someone other than the 19yr old working her way through college. #clown"
If you click on the on the receipt picture you can then see the expletive ( _uck _ou) response written at the bottom of the bill.
According to the Sioux Falls Argus Leader the server is Brooke Heinen and the group that left the tiny tip were Cowboys football fans who she thought were having a good experience at the bar.
Either they were not having a good time or the group was just incredibly cheap. Either way they'd like to find out who did this.
Even Sioux Falls Mayor Paul Ten Haken got in on the situation by Tweeting: "Is there an email address where I can reach Brooke?"
UPDATE: Here is a continuation of Mayor Paul TenHaken's Twitter exchange, along with Brooke's response: