Senator Tim Johnson and his wife Barbara, were honored Saturday night in Sioux Falls by over 700 attendees at the annual McGovern Day festivities. The Senator is retiring after 36 years of public service, in our legislature and in Washington.

The event started and ended on time. The food was great. People had fun. There were no politically acidic words uttered towards "the other side."

Rick Weiland and Corrina Robinson, provided thanks and gave short stump speeches. Former Congresswoman Stephanie Herseth Sandlin gave a wonderful talk, mentioning Senator Johnson as a Mentor(I hope she runs for office again).

Senator Tom Daschle sent video greetings. Vice President Joe Biden also sent video. It was clearly ad lib, and as the VP is prone to do, rambled a little. He did cause laughter when he suggested that Senator Tim continue to give them, "Hel-heck."

Senator Jon Tester, from Montana was the main speaker. He was articulate and funny.They serve on the Banking and Indian Affairs Committees together. .

Two of Barb and Tim's children were able to attend. Kelsey and Brendan did a wonderful job, talking as now adult children about their parents.

When it was their turn, both the Senator and Barb provided wonderful words. Tim talked about all the changes over the years. The one constant being his hair style. His words were well chosen, his speech clear, and the content was heartfelt.

I have attended many political events over the years. Democrats know how to have a fun time and to celebrate the good. I like that.

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