The Pros and Cons of Fall
You may have noticed by the bite in the air or the goo in your eyes -- fall is here! We have mixed emotions about this, so we thought we'd treat it like every person we've ever dated and make a thorough pro/con list about it before it never returns our calls anyway.
Pro: School's back in session, so there aren't teenagers all over everything.
Middle School
Con: We guess if you're still in school, it probably sucks to go back.
Pro: Halloween!
Con: You're a grown-up, so this is what Halloween is now:
Pro: Look at the beautiful foliage!
Con: Thanks to your allergies, you'll have pinkeye for the next six weeks!
Pro: Pumpkin spice lattes are back!
Pumpkin Spice
Con: You drank too many pumpkin spice lattes, and now you pretty much live on the toilet.
Pro: You can finally wear sweaters!
Con: Turns out wool still gives you a rash.
Pro: Your friends have finally stopped complaining about how hot it is.
Con: It is COLD at night.
Pro: It's apple cider season!
Apple Cider
Con: You drank too much juice and now you're pre-diabetic.
Pro: Guys in pea coats! Pea coats everywhere!
Pea Coat
Con: It's pretty much impossible to tell what's underneath that coat.
Little Coat
Pro: You can enjoy a delicious hot cocktail!
Hot Toddy
Con: You just burned your mouth trying to get drunk and everything is the worst.