Paws In the Park Means ‘Ruffing’ It with Your Pooch
See that beautiful German Shepherd in the above photo? That's my girl Bella. She has never been to a dog park because she is not friendly to other dogs, particularly small ones. She likes small dogs on Ritz crackers with cheese. At least I think she would, I've never given her the opportunity to prove it.
But after years of observing her behavior toward my backyard neighbor's three, yappy, mixed-breed, minis (running the fence line - which has necessitated 2 knee surgeries, barking, lunging, tail-wagging, etc.) I think it best to keep barriers between her and other canines.
That's just me. Hopefully you don't have the same issues because "Paws in the Park" is coming up on Saturday (October 14) at the Spencer Dog Park just off of I-229 and Cliff Avenue from 1:00 to 3:00 PM. You can show off your pup's talents and there will be a costume contest (mostly for the dogs, but I suppose you could wear one too).
You'll also find vendor booths, music, other fun contests and an agility course (again, mostly for the dogs, but if you can wiggle through a nylon tunnel at a high rate of speed--go for it).
Registration begins at 12:30 PM and you can sign your pup up for two judged contests.
In case the weather takes a turn for the worse, the alternate date is the next day, Sunday (Oct 15) from 1:00 to 3:00 PM.
For more information, call 605-367-8222, check out Sioux Falls Parks & Recreation activities or download the Parks & Rec department Activities Guide.
Source: City of Sioux Falls Parks and Recreation Department
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