New Study ‘What Stay-At-Home Moms Should Be Paid’
We all know that its impossible to put a price on what moms do, but they've done it. What do you think it would cost to pay a stay-at-home mom for all the things they do? Well, there is a brand new study out that has done the math.
According to the annual salary of a mother would be around $162,581 which is up about $5,000 from the 2017 figure.
They calculated the new figure by adding up the average cost of what it would cost to hire someone to do all the stuff moms do including:
- Academic advisor
- Accountant
- Art Director
- Bookkeeper
- Coach
- Dietitian
- Daycare worker
- Educator
- Event planner
- Facilities Director
- Groundskeeper
- Executive Housekeeper
- Interior designer
- Janitor
- Judge / Magistrate
- Laundry Manager
- Maintenance Supervisor
- Photographer
- Psychologist
- recreational therapist
- Nurse
- Tailor
- Tax Accountant
- Teacher
I'm surprised they didn't include counselor and psychiatrist.