Multi-Cultural Center of Sioux Falls Kids Spreading Cheer for MLK Day of Service
There is so much turbulence and unhappiness in the world right now. But there are still plenty of people doing what they can to try and make things better. Some of those people are in elementary school and attend the Multi-Cultural Center of Sioux Falls' After School Program (ASP).
The children in the ASP program will be creating inspirational items to give to people who may need a bit of cheer. One of the fun projects they'll be doing is decorating rocks with positive sayings on them and leaving them at locations around Sioux Falls for people to find and enjoy.
They will also be decorating brown paper bags, as well as making cards for nursing home residents. These uplifting items will be delivered later in the week, next week.
Christy Nicolaisen, Executive Director of the Multi-Cultural Center of Sioux Falls said, "We teach the students about the importance of Dr. Martin Luther King by teaching them the importance of service. Dr. King taught that to be great, you must serve. King’s wife has stated that the best way one can honor Dr. King is by individual acts of kindness, through service to others."
If you would like to donate to this cause or simply want more information, call Christy Nicolaisen at 605-367-7401.
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