A woman was caught on security cameras carrying a bag that police say contained a baby that she left on the streets of New York.

In what I can only describe as a very disturbing incident a person is now being sought out after leaving a baby outside of a home in New York City.

In video that has been released by the police the person is seen walking down the street in the Bronx with a green reusable shopping bag. Inside of that bag were a  bundle of blankets and inside those blankets was a baby they believe was only a few days old.

The person being suspected to me looks to be a female from the style of coat they are wearing.


Good news is that the baby was found alive, but naked inside of the bag by the resident of the home. They took the baby to the hospital and they say the child is expected to survive.

The question here is whether or not his person has committed a crime or if it falls under the New York State Abandoned Infant Protection Act.

A parent is not guilty of a crime if the infant is left with an appropriate person or in a suitable location and the parent promptly notifies an appropriate person of the infant’s location.  A hospital, staffed police or fire station are examples of safe and suitable choices. A person leaving an infant under this law is not required to give his or her name.

To me, I don't think that this fits here. You're supposed to drop the baby at a hospital or fire station, not a random home.

I hope that the police are able to find this individual and find out why the baby was abandoned.

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