South Dakota Park Rangers Bake Raw Cookies In Blazing Hot Car!
This was posted on the South Dakota Badlands National Park Facebook page...
"It's been over a hundred degrees at Badlands for the last few days, so the rangers decided to make the best of it by testing a classic hypothesis - can you bake cookies in your car on a hot summer day?
And much to the rangers' surprise, not only did the cookies bake, they also cooked completely through AND had justttt the right amount of gooey goodness in the center - total, yummy perfection! I guess we're just good like that.
Remember, cars can get extremely hot on sunny days with high temperatures because glass reflects infrared radiation inside the vehicle allowing for more heat from the sunlight to be trapped inside (just like a greenhouse!).
So PLEASE be mindful of any pets you bring on your trips to places that aren’t super pet friendly (like national parks unfortunately - it’s a safety concern for pets, our wildlife, and visitors) and try to limit the time inside vehicles. If we can bake cookies in a hot car, NO animal should be sitting in those conditions.
Be mindful of yourself while you're out exploring the park on hot days too! Drink plenty of water, eat salty snacks, and take lots of breaks if you're out hiking. See our post on heat exhaustion for more tips to beating the Badlands heat.
NPS Photos: 1. Cookie dough on a baking sheet sitting in a car windshield. 2. Partially sun-baked cookie dough sitting in a car windshield. 3. Baked cookies sitting on a car hood. 4. Three Rangers enjoying sun-baked cookies."
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