Did You Know South Dakota has a 180-Mile Long Yard Sale?
Bargain hunting South Dakotans are gearing up for a yard sale that stretches an unbelievable 180-miles! It's called Scavenger's Journey and it's on for 3 days only: June 23-25, 2023.
It's been said you'll find rare deals, hard to find antiques, and and troves of treasure available to buy from town-to-town.
Scavenger’s Journey is an approximately 180 mile long shopping experience consisting of yard sales, organized flea markets, farmer’s markets, specialty shops and more. It is our hope that this event will grow to include more communities each year and become a fun activity that brings people to South Dakota. From East to West, the following communities and their surrounding areas are participating: Winner, Platte, Plankinton, Stickney, White Lake, Kimball, Chamberlain, Reliance, Kennebec, Murdo, Belvidere, and Kadoka, South Dakota. ~ Scavenger's Journey website
You'll need nutrition when undertaking a journey such as this. Here's some great restaurants to try and help support the diners that support the Scavenger's Journey.
Need places to stay along the route? You could pull a camper, pack a tent, or check out these neat places to stay.
The best way to find the hot spots is to purchase the 2023 guide for only $8. You can get one here. You'll receive a digital copy you can take with you on the journey.
It's a busy 3 days but well worth it when you find that special deal. Fill up the gas tank and happy hunting. Have a great Scavenger's Journey!
LOOK: Most commonly seen birds in South Dakota
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