It’s a Christmas Miracle!
I’m going to try to suppress my excitement long enough to write down my feelings. It has been made official by multiple media outlets that the sequel to ‘Boy Meets World’ is officially a go. Word spread a couple weeks ago that a pilot was in the works, but casting was still up in the air. Yesterday, it was officially announced that Danielle Fishel (Topanga Lawrence) and Ben Savage (Cory Matthews) had both signed on to reprise their roles. This time, however, they are the proud parents of a pre-teen girl. The show is cleverly titled, ‘Girl Meets World.’ Get it? Now the young girl is going to go through her awkward years on the show instead of a boy. They are so clever over at Disney.
The news of this probably excites me more than it should. This show was and is somewhat of a staple in my life. Growing up, my brother and I would watch the show as part of the TGIF line up. Then the best thing happened and ‘Boy Meets World’ reruns were on Disney Channel and ABC Family and MTV2. We watched them all over again. It is crazy the stuff that you don’t pick up on as a child, but as an older person you totally relate. This show was such a big part of my brother’s and my life that for a couple years every present I got my brother for Christmas and/or his birthday was another season of ‘Boy Meets World’ on DVD. He is now the proud owner of the entire series.
I’d like to take a few moments here to revisit some of my favorite episodes and one- liners from the show. Who doesn’t remember the classic brotherly advice that, “Life’s tough. Get a helmet,” followed by a nice smack to the forehead from Eric to Cory. Another one of my faves is when the Matthews parents have a fourth child and it ends up being in the ICU. Cory’s best friend, Shawn, shows up to visit the family only to be told that only family members can be let through to ICU. Alan Matthews (the dad) tells the nurse that Shawn is family. Cue the tears. Remember Topanga’s 16th birthday party that Cory misses because he is going back and forth between her party and a professional wrestling match and in the end he makes it up to her by having a spotlight dance in the middle of the ring? I think everybody’s 16th birthday paled in comparison. Did anyone else find it odd that Eric seemed to get more dumb as the years went by? How about when Cory and Topanga get married and Shawn is having a hard time because he thinks he’s going to lose his best friend so Eric steps in to try to be a better Best Man and hi-jacks a rich tycoon’s wedding set up at a fancy hotel. That was a good one. During the wedding Cory and Shawn get into a spat and Cory calls Shawn ‘trailer trash’ only to be interrupted by Eric yelling, “Shawn’s poor!” Sounds harsh, but in the moment it’s actually really funny and obviously everyone makes up by the end of the episode.
I could go on and on so I’ll stop there. I hope ‘Girl Meets World’ isn’t a total stinker, but I am glad some original cast members will be coming back. Now that Cory and Topanga are in I really hope we see Shawn and Eric once in awhile. Maybe Feeny will make an appearance to give some sage advice once again. Ya know what would be really cool? If Minkus came back! Does anyone else remember Minkus from the early days? Minkus didn’t get enough credit. I feel I’m getting off on a tangent.
The point is: I love ‘Boy Meets World’ and I’m excited for ‘Girl Meets World’ and if anyone wants to have a premiere viewing party, I’ll probably be hosting one.
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