It's -20 below, your car is covered with ice, and you want to let it idle to warm up while you go back inside for a few minutes. Is that even legal in Minnesota?

There are many winter mornings in Minnesota when you wake up to below-zero temperatures with your vehicle covered in snow. 

So it seems logical to start your car up, turn the heater on full blast, and go back into the warmth of your house while your car gets nice and toasty warm.

Is It Illegal To Let Your Car Warm Up In Minnesota-Getty Thinkstock
Is It Illegal To Let Your Car Warm Up In Minnesota-Getty Thinkstock

When you do this in a town or city around the state you could set yourself up to have the car or truck stolen.

There are thousands of vehicle thefts in Minneapolis alone every year.

Is It Illegal To Let Your Car Warm Up In Minnesota-Getty Thinkstock
Is It Illegal To Let Your Car Warm Up In Minnesota-Getty Thinkstock

So is it legal or illegal to let your car warm up in Minnesota?

According to Appelman Law Firm LLC, “Under Minnesota law, it is illegal to leave the car unattended and running with the keys in the ignition. But, if you have a remote starter installed, you can start your car without putting the keys in the ignition.”

They point out that if you do like to get your car all warm inside before you head out on a cold winter Minnesota day, consider investing in a remote starter for your vehicle.

Inside Minnesota's Largest Candy Store

I had been to Minnesota's Largest Candy Store once before, but they did some pretty cool things since the last time I was there. They added a bunch of superheroes, Star Wars stuff, and a candy band.

According to their Facebook page, Jim's Apple Farm is actually how the now huge candy store got its start. It is located in Jordan, MN and you can't miss it. It is a huge yellow building.

Even though candy is mentioned in the name, they have a little bit of everything. They have fresh baked pies and cookies and fudge. We walked in and it smelled amazing!

They also have the largest selection of sodas! Then there is chocolate and taffy and gummies and chips and puzzles and games. So much stuff!

They even have a Zoltar machine like in the movie, Big. I had to check that out. He told me the only helping hand is at the end of my arm. Gee, thanks Zoltar.

There were even crickets and worms! Not gummy worms, but actual worms.
They also have candy from all over the world!

The store is seasonal, however. November is their last month of operation for the season.

Gallery Credit: Natasha

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