If you pick up your dog's poo while you are taking him for a walk is it illegal to just toss it into one of your neighbor's garbage cans?

If you own a dog you know what it's like to take the fella for a walk and have to bag up and carry your fella's doody for the remainder of the outing.

Have you ever just walked by a house that had the garbage bit out and discarded the poo bag in it so you didn't have to tote it around the neighborhood?

Is It Against Minnesota Law To Toss Dog's Poo In Others Garbage-Canva
Is It Against Minnesota Law To Toss Dog's Poo In Others Garbage-Canva

Why not? It's not a crime...is it?

Well, it is in Minnesota.

According to Minnesota state law 609.68 it is against the law to just throw your dog's poo into someone else's garbage can without their permission.

The Minnesota law states, “Whoever unlawfully deposits garbage, rubbish, cigarette filters, debris from fireworks, offal, or the body of a dead animal, or other litter in or upon any public highway, public waters or the ice thereon, shoreland areas adjacent to rivers or streams as defined by section 103F.205, public lands, or, without the consent of the owner, private lands or water or ice thereon, is guilty of a petty misdemeanor.”

Is It Against Minnesota Law To Toss Dog's Poo In Others Garbage-Canva
Is It Against Minnesota Law To Toss Dog's Poo In Others Garbage-Canva

10 Most Obscure Minnesota Towns

As you are making road-trip plans you might want to see if you can even find some of these Minnesota towns.

Minnesota is the Land Of 10,000 Lakes and 853 towns. Even if you know the state well I'll bet you haven't even heard of Minnesota's 10 smallest towns.

Gallery Credit: Ben Davis

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