Iowa Girl’s Flu-Caused Brain Damage a Cautionary Tale
Every year, the flu kills people, lots of people. Last year, according to the CDC, 61,200 people died, which believe it or not, is considered fairly typical. The 2018 numbers were much higher. This year is expected to be another awful flu year with 44 states currently reporting widespread flu outbreaks, including Iowa.
The story of a beautiful Iowa City, Iowa 4-year-old, serves as a reminder to erase anyone's doubts about the seriousness of the flu. Jade Delucia went from not feeling well on Christmas Eve to unconscious and near-death by the next morning.
She has been in the University of Iowa's Stead Family Children's Hospital since Christmas Day fighting for her life against Influenza B and its complications. She awoke from her coma just a few days ago and brain imaging scans indicate she has severe brain damage. What the future holds for this once-thriving little girl is unknown right now.
Her parents are taking the opportunity to remind others to vaccinate their children and if your child is ill for longer than 24 hours, with what you suspect could be the flu, take them to a doctor for the test.
It could save you the heartache that one Iowa family is only too familiar with. You can help the DeLucias with Jade medical costs at a GoFundMe page set up by a family friend.
Source: KSFY News, Time Magazine, and the GoFundMe page for Jade DeLucia

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