A tragic bull attack on a farmer's property leaves him dead.

A 76-year-old Madison County farmer, Mark Hollingsworth, died after a fatal encounter with a bull on his property.

Deputies and First Responders were dispatched to the 2400 block of Millstream Avenue in Winterset, Iowa.

Winterset, Iowa-Google Maps
Winterset, Iowa-Google Maps

According to the Sheriff's Office, Hollingsworth was checking the cattle's water supply when the bull attacked him.

First responders discovered Hollingsworth unresponsive in the cattle feeding area and pronounced him dead at the scene.

Family members had contacted emergency services after finding him injured.

The State Medical Examiner's Office is conducting an investigation to determine if a potential medical issue may have contributed to the incident prior to the bull's attack.

Iowa Palmer Company's Twin Bing Products

Can you even really claim to live in this part of the country if you've never had a Twin Bing?


"It consists of two round, chewy, cherry-flavored nougats coated with a mixture of chopped peanuts and chocolate. The Twin Bing was introduced in the 1960s," -Wikipedia

Not only has the TB been a staple of the Sioux Empire for over half a decade, but the makers of the classic candy have also infused the unique cherry and chocolate flavor into lots of other things.

Gallery Credit: Ben Davis

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