Incredible Video of South Dakota Ranchers Digging Cows Out of Snow Packed Field
I've seen all sorts of videos of weather damage the last couple days, but nothing like this video of what it's like for some South Dakota ranchers right now,
The snow and rain that came the last few days affected everyone in different ways and at different levels.
If you weren't digging your car out of a city street you may have to had to dig your cows out of a snow-packed field.
Check out this amazing video:
If you are not seeing it, visit their Facebook page.
The weather can change by the minute in the Midwest and we know it because we've lived through enough seasons to know it is predictably unpredictable.
No one was prepared for what the combination of, cold, snow, ice, and rain would have done this week. And even if we knew exactly what we were in for when the weather does what it did we are all in damage control mode.
One thing you can count on in the Midwest is the weather being extreme, and you can count on people rallying to help each other in any ways they can,
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