Cans of Coca-Cola
Photo by Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

If you are a big fan of drinking soda then this might change your mind a little bit. A recent study shows what one can of coke does to your body in just one hour.

I use to be an avid soda drinker. I can't even put into words the amount of soda I use to consume back when I was in middle/high school. My sophomore year of high school, I cold turkey gave it up and to this day I have not had a soda since (going on 10 years). Doing so helped me lose weight during my college years.

Coca-Cola is all over the place. We all know that drinking soda is unhealthy, but just how much can it hurt the body in one hour? The people at The Renegade Pharmacist broke it down in a study.

One Hour After Drinking a Can of Coke
The Renegade Pharmacist

This is for just one can, 12 ounces, of coke. The daily intake of sugar is met, blood sugar spikes within the body, blood pressure rises, and of course the experience of the sugar crash after the one hour. That's only some of what happens.

Would this cause you to stop drinking soda? Probably not, but it is crazy to see what one can of soda can do.

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