You can go for the standard roses sent to work for Valentine's Day and don't get me wrong, I love getting flowers but it wouldn't hurt to do something a bit more unique and put some effort into the gift.

The standards gifts will still bring a smile to her face and she will be ecstatic. Flowers, Jewelry, Candy, etc. But try and make it more personal to her. Here are some variations of the standard V-day gifts and then some other unique, fun ideas too.

  • Flowers-send something other than roses. Tulips, colored daisies, orchids (I LOVE orchids). Do NOT send Carnations, ever...I mean like NEVER EVER! Ewwww....
  • Jewelry-Always a great idea. There are charm bracelets that you can get and buy charms for that are personal to her and you. And of course, keeping it classic with some diamond stud earrings will work too.
  • Candy-How about cupcakes instead! There are a bunch of local stores that specialize in them.
  • Band T-shirts-What's her favorite band? Go to their web site and order her one! She will love it.
  • Take her to go get a pedicure and buy her some new shoes! That would be the way to my heart!
  • Scarf-I love them! Pick one in her favorite color!
  • TICKETS! Tickets to shows are the a great gift and it's another date night! Plus there are a whole bunch of concerts coming up.
  • Perfume-A bottle of my favorite perfume is always a great gift.
  • Portraits-Having family pictures or couple pictures taken is a great idea.Or set up to have her hair and make up done and get a new outfit and let her feel like a model for a day!
  • Wine-There are a bunch of local wineries in the area. Take her for a wine taste testing and buy her some bottles of her favorites and then dinner together. Buy her some wine glasses to keep as a memory as well.
  • Get a tattoo together! Not one that says each others names on it but something you each might have been wanting to get tattooed.
  • Take a cooking class together or if she is really into cooking get her some cool kitchen gadgets.

Always remember when gift-giving, Valentine's Day or not, make it personal and special. She will always treasure that you took the time to make it unique to her.

Happy Valentine's Day!

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