If your kids hear this and tell you all about it, don't doubt them. It is true. Dental health-wise, if they (or you) sit down and finish off their entire bag of candy, they have a smaller chance of developing cavities than they would eating a candy bar or sucker here and there for the next several months.

To be clear, the dentists who condone this practice, have their reasons. After you eat candy, the bacteria in your mouth feed on the sugar and starch which remains on your teeth, eventually forming plaque (the stuff you're supposed to floss and brush away).

If this plaque isn't properly removed it eats through your enamel, causing tiny holes to form, which grow and become cavities. The candy provides the fuel which begins this decay process depending on the amount of time all that gunk stays on your teeth.

It is for this reason alone, that some dentists advocate for a one-time, gut-busting, candy-consuming pig-out! This confectionary soiree must be followed by a thorough toothbrushing or you've completely missed the point.

A Boston dentist says it's inconsequential--when you're talking about cavities, how much candy you eat at one time. "The bacteria can only make the acid so fast. At some point, there’s a threshold where they can’t really work any harder. It really doesn’t matter if you have one Reese’s or three.”

Ideally, (to avoid the tummy and "sugar-high" issues that come from eating pounds of super-sweet goodies) the way to go, (if you intend to parse out the Halloween goodies, that is) is to brush after each sweet snack.

Finally, (and perhaps most importantly) when choosing sweets, chocolate is the best way to go. Unlike hard candies, gummies, caramels or candy corn, chocolate melts quickly, limiting the amount of time it is in contact with your teeth. But always remember to brush after you indulge, or binge.

Bon Appetit!

Source: Time Health

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