‘Drive Out Domestic Violence’ Campaign Now Underway
Domestic violence is a problem that continues to plague our society. There's a good chance you or someone you know who has been affected in some way by domestic abuse.
Educating people on the subject will once again be the primary objective of the Sioux Falls Children's Inn during the month of July here in the Sioux Empire.
The Sioux Falls Children's Inn is now underway with yet another "Drive Out Domestic Violence" campaign fueled by Vern Eide Motorcars.
The Children's Inn, together with their friends at Dakota News Now and Results Radio-Townsquare Media are setting out during the month of July to help raise the level of awareness and create conversations about domestic violence in an effort to bring the problem to a halt.
The plan is to use both traditional and social media to help spread the word. With the goal being the hope to raise as much money as possible to combat the problem and give every victim of domestic violence in the Sioux Empire a safe enviroment to flee their abusive situations.
As Sioux Falls continues to grow in population, so does the domestic abuse problem.
Unfortunately, the Sioux Falls Children's Inn continues to see steady growth each year in the number of domestic abuse cases in our area. As the numbers increase, so does the demand for their services.
Due to the high demand, the Sioux Falls Children's Inn has outgrown their current facility, and work is underway right now to help build a much larger shelter to help meet all the needs of abuse victims in the Sioux Empire. Thus, making this campaign and the need for funding all that more important.
So, how can you help drive out domestic violence on your own?
There is actually a number of things a person can do. Throughout the month of July, watch for messages from some of your favorite radio and TV personalities on social media as they set out to spread the word and better educate people on the issue of domestic abuse.
You're also invited to join the fight and become a Social Ambassador yourself. Complete details on how you can involved and help spread the message across your social media platforms at Driveoutdv.com.
The Sioux Falls Children's Inn has also created an apparel store where you can buy a variety of different clothing that helps to spread the word. The store will be open until the end of July.
Complete details on the "Drive Out Domestic Violence" campaign await you now at Driveoutdv.com.
And remember, you can always text the word "Hope" to 80100 to donate at any time.
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