Credit Score Dating Gaining Popularity
Move over Match.com and E-Harmony, there's a new player in the online dating game. CreditScoreDating.com is based on your potential mate's ability to pay their bills.
I love this idea! Credit is very important. I've worked very hard to keep my credit excellent and I would expect the same from a mate. I understand everyone goes through rough patches and bad credit shouldn't undermine a person's character, but if financial future is a big deal, then it's important to establish his or her situation early.
According to their website, here's a handy guide to Credit Score Dating:
A credit score of 800-850 = Marriage potential ding ding ding
A credit score of 750-800 = Take him/her home to mom
A credit score of 700-750 = A fixer-upper
A credit score of 650-700 = A fun night out, maybe, but bring cash
A credit score of 600-650 = Keep lookin'
Anything below 600 = Run, because they won't even get a car loan
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