I think it's safe to say most women fantasize about the day they get engaged. Having been in a few serious relationships myself, I've thought about how I would do it too, had it come to fruition.

Usually, when I've sat down and thought deeply about such an event, it doesn't involve that much butter.

Some butter, just not this much butter.

I am very clearly not one of the people involved in this Iowa couple.

As the Iowa State Fair shared on its Facebook page, two people -- Nick and Mackenzie -- got engaged inside the butter cooler at the Iowa State Fair this weekend:

KCRG shared the story of the event, saying Nick "organized what looked like a 'chance encounter' with the sculptor of the butter cow, Sarah Pratt.

That got him and his girlfriend Mackenzie a behind-the-scenes look at the 600-pound sculpture."

Nick shared this pun-filled sentiment in an interview after proposing to his future bride:

You ‘butter’ believe that I’ve had this idea for quite a while. I was ‘dairy’ nervous at first. But, you know, it ended up turning out all right.

Mackenzie loved the proposal and she shared her appreciation of Sarah and her help with the engagement:

I just thought Sarah did a great job. I thought we just kind of hit it off. And she was like, ‘hey, I want to show you guys the butter cows.’ You can’t expect this.

This isn't the only out-of-the-ordinary thing that happened at the Iowa State Fair over the last 11 days. Kids were hurt by the over-waxed slide, a streaker was arrested, and a fire broke out on the last day of the event.

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The ABCs of Iowa

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