GuySpeed Editors

Very Important Research Finds We Aren’t Having Sex on Mondays
Monday definitely ain't fun day.

What’s the Average Age When Married Women Start Cheating?
Hmm, that ring starting too feel a little tight, is it?

‘The Friend Zone’ As a Horror Movie Feels Waaaay Too Real
Perhaps the only thing worse than being stuck in a mall while your girl goes shoe shopping is NOT being the guy she expects to sit patiently while she goes shoe shopping.

Man Stabbed to Death After Complaining Newspaper Delivery Was Late
Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

Jerk Chimp Flings Poop at Innocent Grandmother
A family trip to the zoo ended about as badly as it could have for one sweet old lady.

World’s Fastest Bumper Car Zooms at a Sick 100 Miles Per Hour
Bumper cars as you know them will never be the same.

College Students Have Invented Cure for Hangovers. Seriously.
Let's drink a toast to these innovators.

‘Things I Wanna Text My Ex’ Is Much-Needed Therapy for the Broken-Hearted
There are so many things you probably want to tell your ex. Now's your chance to do it, without the ugly blowback it may cause.

Rejoice — Playboy Is Bringing Back Naked Women
It's the biggest news for men since discovering breasts.

Woman Makes Death Threats Because She Keeps Losing the Lottery
Talk about being a sore loser.