They may say the drama is over and in the rear view, but it doesn't seem to be for new 'American Idol' judges Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj. It's TMDFOJP – Too Much Diva for One Judging Panel!

While at the Television Critics Association panel earlier today (Jan. 8), Carey labeled their beef "one-sided," while Minaj, of course, disagreed.

A reporter asked the divas to say something nice about one another at the event, according to The Wrap.

"That actually is easy," Minaj said, going first, despite some visible awkwardness. "I say nice things about Mariah all the time. I even tell her all the time how much a fan I am of her. She's one of my favorite artists of all time. She's really shaped a generation of singers." She also said that so many of the show's hopefuls "aspire to be a Mariah Carey." So the rapper laid it on thick.

Carey, who claimed to be battling a sinus infection from Dem Babies, thanked Minaj for her "sweet" words. She complimented Minaj by saying, "Nicki and I worked together very early on in her career and did a song from an album that I had done called 'Memoirs of an Imperfect Angel. It's called 'Up Out My Face,' ironically."

She added, "Actually it was one of my favorite videos and songs. And I did feel that she was going to go very far and still have that feeling and am grateful for anything nice that she or anyone were to say about me." Yikes. That sounded pretty forced, didn't it?

But then again, Mimi seemed legitimately distressed by the fight with Minaj.

In her chat with Barbara Walters, Carey said she beefed up her security detail after her verbal battle with Minaj. "It felt like an unsafe work environment," Carey said. "Anytime anybody's reeling threats at somebody, you know, it's not appropriate. I'm a professional. I'm not used to that type of environment."

At the conference, though, Minaj asked if anyone else ever had a fight with someone they worked with. Point taken.

Take a peek at the photo above, taken at the panel. Does any one of those judges look even remotely happy to be there? You know what's worth a thousand words, right?

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