Today Is National Vet Girls Rock Day
We can't have enough days set aside to recognize the men and women we owe so much.
February 19th is a day set aside to recognize the service, sacrifice, and dedication of the nearly 2 million U.S. veteran women.
From the National Day Calendar:
Since the Revolutionary War, women have served in the armed forces, and many have not been recognized for their service. Today, the contributions of nearly 2 million women veterans deserve acknowledgment. National Vet Girls ROCK Day celebrates the bonds they formed and their experiences through military service.
To read the entire National Day Calendar click here.
Find a way to say thank you today to someone you know in your circle who served, or is serving. One of the good things about social media is if we don't have someone in our inner circle we can always get the word out to our social media circles.
Sources: National Day Calendar
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