Awesome Event Has A Lot Of Hot Music, Hot Food, and Hot Prizes!
What is this all about?
It's the 2nd Annual Sharing the Table Fundraising Gala to benefit the Faith Temple Church Food Giveaway. This emergency food support program has been helping hungry families in the Sioux Empire for 14 years now.
When and where is it?
The place is The District, at 4521 West Empire Place in Sioux Falls. The date is Tuesday, April 25, 2023, and the time is 6:30 to 9 PM.
What about the "hot food and prizes"?
The hot food is a three-course gourmet dinner, and the hot prizes include cash and come from a raffle, plus games and other activities. There will also be a remarkable silent and live auction with a wide range of products and services.
The hot music? It will be coming from Emmy Award Winning Artist Shaun Johnson & the Big Band Experience in a roof-raising private concert!
This truly will be one of the most entertaining events of the spring season, so don't miss this chance to party, and, to help.
Thousands have been assisted by the Faith Temple Food Giveaway with putting food on the table at times when it may have been a choice between paying the rent or buying groceries. To be a part of the foundations of this program, all you need to do is buy your Gala ticket and have a lot of fun!
For more information and those tickets, just go to the 2nd Annual Sharing the Table Fundraising Gala.
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