The Banquet Needs Your Plastic Containers
If you're planning on giving your pantry a major makeover thanks to that show on Netflix called "Tidying Up with Marie Kondo," we have a way for you to recycle all of those plastic containers instead of throwing them away.
If your pantry and cupboards are adorned with a colorful assortment of plastic containers that you've been saving for when you need to send leftovers home with guests, it's time to reduce the clutter.
The Banquet in Sioux Falls serves thirteen meals a week at two different locations to hundreds of people in our community. When there are leftovers, they send them home with guests. It's too expensive to buy containers for leftovers, so the Banquet relies on donations of plastic containers.
If you have butter, yogurt, whipped topping, sour cream, or cottage cheese containers, those are the preferable size. The generic Tupperware containers also work. Please don't donate glass containers.
You can drop off the containers at 900 East 8th Street in downtown Sioux Falls.
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