It’s been a wild and bumpy — so, so bumpy — ride for the DCEU thus far. The studio’s most beloved characters are played by women, while their best (and, many would argue, only good) movie to date is Gal Gadot’s Wonder Woman solo film. That may very well change in the coming years with new heroes and villains (and new films), but the studio’s plans are somewhat scattered and convoluted — which is why they’ve enlisted a new DC Films president to help right the ship.
Not long after Justice League hit theaters, a certain corner of the DC fanbase collectively channeled the “denial” stage of grief into a petition demanding the release of the “Zack Snyder cut” of the film. After Snyder was forced to leave Justice League in the middle of post-production due to a personal tragedy, Warner Bros. enlisted Joss Whedon to complete the film, resulting in extensive reshoots — which means that a Snyder cut of the film doesn’t exist, and were WB to cobble one together, it wouldn’t amount to much of anything.