18 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 202418 Discontinued Drinks We Sadly Said Goodbye to in 2024Pour one out for these drinks because it appears they're all gone for good. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.Coke Banks on Nostalgia Reviving Drink From 1930s in the U.S.The drink made its original debut in Mexico in 1938 and will soon be more widely available in the U.S. Rob CarrollRob Carroll
Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled Coca-Cola Issues Massive Recall: Thousands of Drinks Mislabeled The drinks actually had sugar in them even though they were labeled "zero sugar."Rob CarrollRob Carroll
3 Major Brands Sitting Out Super Bowl Ads This Year3 Major Brands Sitting Out Super Bowl Ads This YearThis year, however, three major brands that you see every year during the Super Bowl will be sitting on the sideline during the breaks.Jeff ThurnJeff Thurn
National Have a Coke DayNational Have a Coke DayThere's something about Coca-Cola. You may have a more preferred beverage, but it's hard to argue the fact that the carbonated soft drink is an American institution.Andy GottAndy Gott
Share A Coke Promotion Goes On TourShare A Coke Promotion Goes On TourAttention people with weird names! You can drink Coke too! NatashaNatasha
Where's My Name?Where's My Name?The reason you can't find your unique name on a Coke bottle is because there were only 250 names chosen.Karla BrownKarla Brown