Yesterday (April 4) I turned my kitchen sink on and got a sputter and a brief splash of dirty water.  If this is happening to you, don't worry.

Sioux Falls started flushing the water main in the city on Monday.  They do the annual hydrant flushing to clear the lines of sediments and to ensure that fire hydrants are working correctly.

They will start on the north side of the city and then work to the south.  If you see the crews working in your neighborhood check the cold tap water for clarity before drinking or doing laundry.

If you see a little gunk just run the cold water faucet for a few moments until the water clears up.

The City of Sioux Falls wants you to know:  "Water discoloration due to the flushing program does not pose a health threat and may be used, but could cause staining."

If you have questions you can call: Sioux Falls Water Purification Plant at 373-6950

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