You can always count on scammers to devise new and creative ways to relieve the public of their money.

The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office has recently unearthed the latest scam that appears to be sweeping through the Sioux Empire. Someone is using a series of bogus phone calls to impersonate Lincoln County Sheriff Steve Swenson.

The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office tells Dakota News Now, that they've received word from the public that scam callers are posing as Sheriff Swenson, informing potential victims that they have missed a court date and are required to pay a fine as a result.

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The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office wants to reassure the public that the sheriff and his deputies will never make these types of calls, and they advise potential victims to hang up immediately should they ever receive a call similar to this.

According to Dakota News Now, scammers are putting in a lot of extra work to make these bogus calls appear to be as legitimate as possible. They've even been going as far as using a computer program to make caller IDs show a local Canton, South Dakota number.

Should you happen to receive a call like this in the future, the Lincoln County Sheriff's Office asks that you inform them right away by calling 605-764-5651.

Source: Dakota News Now

30 Ways You Might Have Already Broken the Law Today

Most of us try the best we can to be law-abiding citizens, but did you know that you may have been breaking the law without even realizing it?

BestLifeOnline has a list of 30 of the most common transgressions. How many have you been guilty of over the years?

Out of 30, I am guilty of 19. And no I won't tell you which ones.

Gallery Credit: Jeff Harkness/

11 Things You’ll Only Understand After Living in South Dakota

From soda to pop to sloppy Joes, different parts of the country have their local quirks and language. Simple phrases can have totally different means, local events may seem weird, and food may go by a unique name.

If you're new to South Dakota here is a sort of translation guide for some odd things you may see or hear.

Gallery Credit: Ben Kuhns

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