Minnesota Man Waves Magic Wand and Is Arrested
You naughty, naughty reader! No, not that wand!
All Muggles (persons without any magical blood or abilities) can stop reading right now! You'll need to be a Harry Potter fan or a fan of magic to be able to chuckle at this guy.
Picture it. It's right around midnight in Bloomington, Minnesota. The peace & quiet at the Bloomington Hyatt has just been disturbed by a guy who already has a no-trespass order in place at the hotel. But he must have forgotten that.

A hotel employee called the police when twenty-nine-year-old Skylar Thomas strolled into the lobby of the Hyatt there in Bloomington and started grabbing used hotel keys out of some sort of bowl.
The employee confronted Mr. Thomas, stating that he should leave the hotel ASAP. At this point, the would-be wizard started screaming at the employee and whipped out what looked like a big knife to the employee.
There was not a word in the police complaint that indicated Thomas had uttered any spells, which could have been useful in that situation. For instance; "Obliviate!" That magic spell erases your opponent's memory.
Or, "Petrificus Totalus!" this would have stopped the Hyatt employee in his tracks.
Unfortunately for Mr. Thomas, his adversary, thinking it was a knife being pointed at him, not a magic wand, pulled out his gun (which he is licensed to carry). The Harry Potter wannabe pointed his wand at the hotel worker again, before realizing that, "the gun is mightier than the make-believe wand!"
Skylar Thomas was arrested and could face 180 days in the pokey or a $2000 fine or possibly both. I imagine it depends on whether the judge is a Muggle or not!
Sources: KSTP.com and CNET.com
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