Another Halloween is in the books!

Even though Halloween was last Thursday, the celebrations continued all weekend long. I was pleasantly surprised on Saturday night when I saw so many people in costumes out and about in Downtown Cedar Rapids. It made me wish that I had dressed up one last time! Some of my favorites included the couple dressed as Matilda and Miss Trunchbull, the woman who went full Stone Cold Steve Austin (bald cap and all!), and the couple who went as a frisky grandma and grandpa. You should've seen their dance moves!

I had a couple of different Halloween costumes this year. The Saturday before Halloween I dressed up as Judge Judy, and then for work on the 31st I was dressed as The Lorax. Both costumes were incredibly easy, but I still think they were pretty impressive!


Over the weekend, we had listeners post their Halloween costume photos on Facebook, and I was blown away by the level of creativity! Some costumes were scary, some were funny, and others were just plain adorable! Here are some of our favorites that were submitted on Facebook:

Iowans Show Off Their Amazing 2024 Halloween Costumes

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

Did you or your kiddos have an awesome Halloween costume this year? We would love to see it! You can share it with us in the comments or by sending us a message on our station app!

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Brain & Courtlin's History of Halloween Costumes

Gallery Credit: Courtlin

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