What's open and what's closed in Minnesota on Martin Luther King Jr. Day, January 20th?

Martin Luther King Jr. Day falls on a Monday this year. It also happens to be Inauguration Day -- the day Donald Trump is sworn-into office as America's 47th President.

MLK Day, as it's also called, is a federal holiday in the United States and is observed the third Monday of January every year. It celebrates Martin Luther King Jr., the iconic civil rights leader who championed nonviolent activism.

King was assassinated in 1968.

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President Ronald Reagan signed the holiday into law in 1983. All the states joined the federal government in officially observing the holiday in 2000.

Today the holiday honors King's legacy and is celebrated as a national day of service.

What's closed on January 20th?

There are estimates that 45% of America's employers give employees MLK Day off. So, lots of businesses nationwide will be closed or operating with skeleton crews.

But because it's a federal holiday:

  • Banks and the Federal Reserve will be closed;
  • The New York Stock Exchange and NASDAQ will be closed for trading; and,
  • Most federal government agencies will be closed. However, because it is also Inauguration Day, essential government workers necessary for the transition of power and other essential duties will be working.

In Minnesota, other closures on January 20th include:

  • Government offices: Nonessential government offices will be closed, including city halls, county offices, and the Department of Motor Vehicles;
  • State courthouses;
  • Public schools and school districts;
  • Public libraries; and,
  • The US Postal Service -- no regular mail deliveries, although Priority Mail Express is delivered 365 days a year.

LOOK: 50 essential civil rights speeches

Many of the speakers had a lifetime commitment to human rights, but one tried to silence an activist lobbying for voting rights, before later signing off on major civil rights legislation. Several fought for freedom for more than one oppressed group.

Keep reading to discover 50 essential civil rights speeches.

Gallery Credit: Karen Johanson

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