It’s About Forking Time! Being ‘Hangry’ Is Officially Backed by Science
Science has now proven what most of us already knew: Hanger is real!
According to StudyFinds, European researchers found a direct link between hunger pains and emotions.
In the reported first-ever study of "hanger," researchers at Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) and the Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences observed 64 adults in central Europe, recording their daily hunger levels. They then compared the data to the participants' emotional states using a specialized smartphone app.
Their data found that people who experienced hunger also experienced more irritability and fewer feelings of pleasure.
According to their research, hunger brought about a 37 percent increase in irritability, a 35 percent increase in anger and a 38 percent decrease in feelings of pleasure.
"Many of us are aware that being hungry can influence our emotions, but surprisingly little scientific research has focused on being 'hangry,'" Viren Swami, lead author and professor of social psychology at ARU, said in a media release.
"Ours is the first study to examine being 'hangry' outside of a lab. By following people in their day-to-day lives, we found that hunger was related to levels of anger, irritability, and pleasure," Swami added.Researchers accounted for factors such as age, sex, BMI, diet and unique personality traits during their study.
While hanger can't be helped without consuming food, researchers suggest simply identifying the negative emotion may be able to help people regulate their hanger.
The next time you're feeling hangry, go ahead and shout it to the world. It's okay — science says so!
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