Get Answers and Do Some Dreaming at This Home Remodeling Double Event
You've been thinking that your home and outdoor living space could use an upgrade, but you're not sure exactly where to start. You know you want something fresh, something different - but "what style, which elements, when to do it and how long will it take?" are all questions you want to ask.
The Showcase of Remodeled Homes and the Outdoor Living Showcase just happens to be the perfect opportunity to ask all those questions and more. You can meet and talk to the designers and contractors who brought the projects to life.
Even if you don't have a project in mind right now, you can do a little dreaming at this event.
The Showcase of Remodeled Homes and Outdoor Living Showcase are both going on this weekend, Saturday, October 1, and Sunday, October 2 from Noon to 5 PM on both days.
You'll have the chance to check out the latest trends in remodeling and see and touch the materials being chosen to upgrade and enhance home spaces inside and out.
The Outdoor Living Showcase spotlights one home that has had a major outdoor living area makeover.
The truly unique thing about this event is the opportunity to talk to the designers and builders who bring the spaces to life! Tickets are only $5 and can be purchased at any of the homes on the tours.
All funds raised go to the Sioux Empire Home Builders Care Foundation.
The Foundation's activities include funding housing-related community service projects, providing scholarships for students going into the building trades and financially supporting other industry related educational programs through the Workforce Development Grant program. - -Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire
For more information, see the Home Builders Association of the Sioux Empire Showcase online.
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