This is one of those questions that could be answered statistically and objectively or personally, and subjectively.

The saying "Numbers (statistics) don't lie" comes to mind. But so does "It all depends on your perspective".

Well from the perspective of statistics alone, according to a recent WalletHub study, South Dakota has a much smaller bullying issue than Iowa or North Dakota, a similar situation to Nebraska, and Minnesota is unknown at this time thanks to data limitations.

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In any case, South Dakota came in 36 out of 48. (Data limitations not only excluded Minnesota, but Washington & Oregon too). 

They came to these conclusions by comparing the states and District of Columbia in three basic categories, 1) Bullying prevalence, 2) Bullying Impact & Treatment, and 3) Anti-bullying laws.

The third category is actually where South Dakota made its best showing, so apparently, our anti-bullying law is more comprehensive than other states'.

Within those categories they considered percentages of students bullied on campus and also online, the number of students who got into physical fights, the number of students who attempted suicide due to bullying, and the number of kids who missed school out of fear of bullying.

Once again, however, if your child has been bullied, or perhaps you were during your school days, statistics mean a whole lot of nothing to you!

Ask most people who have been consistently bullied throughout childhood, and they'll tell you, it is something you never get over.

For others the opposite is true, they see it as part of the journey through life. Personally, I haven't met any of those people!

To check out the complete report, see WalletHub.

Source: WalletHub

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