Being Proactive Prevented 60 Million COVID-19 Cases In The US
Dakota News Now states that with the COVID-19 procedures that were put in place by the CDC and local governments. In addition to what we have adopted into our everyday lives such as social distancing, washing our hands often, and staying home when we were sick has spared tens of millions of people from getting the disease in The US.
The data originates from a study that was done recently in Nature, a scientific journal.
The study pulled information about how France, The US, South Kora, Iran, Italy, and of course China reacted to the virus through what interventions and procedures they put into place from Jan.-April of this year.
“We estimate that across these six countries, interventions prevented or delayed on the order of 62 million confirmed cases, corresponding to averting roughly 530 million total infections,” The authors of the study stated.
Below is how many more infection cases the study claims we could have had if the precautions were not set in place in the six countries that were studied:
--60 million more in The US
-- 285 million more in China
-- 38 million more in South Korea
-- 49 million more in Italy
-- 54 million more in Iran
-- 45 million more in France