Are These Classic Thanksgiving Foods We Hate But Eat Anyway?
Thanksgiving is a time for us to count our blessings. If you are lucky enough to be able to spend the day surrounded by family, friends, and enjoy a meal together, you are totally blessed.
But according to a survey from Instacart News, there are certain traditional Thanksgiving foods we don't really like, but eat anyway. The new study asked people to name the classic Thanksgiving foods they secretly hate, but still eat because of tradition or just to be polite.
Here are the "5 Classic Thanksgiving Foods We Hate But Eat Anyway":
1. Canned cranberry sauce. 29%
2. Green bean casserole, 24%.
3. Sweet potatoes or sweet potato casserole, 22%.
4. Pumpkin pie, 21%.
5. Turkey, 19%.
Can this be true? Almost 1 in 5 people secretly hate eating turkey on Thanksgiving?
The survey went on to say that 23% of those responding don't like the 'Turkey Day'leftovers. What kind of madness is that!? No turkey sandwiches, no turkey noodle soup, no turkey salad on buns, no turkey hotdish, no turkey corn chowder, no turkey pot pies, … wow...I'm hungry.